Easy to use. GPS system.
Easily set your destination.
We are provided easily system car navigation for your funtastic trip. We provided easy GPS system for your trip. Included Englidh, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. To set the destination, you can search only by MAPCODE or phone number.
Multi-language system
Before departure, we will show you how to add a destination!
Add a destination
Search only by MAPCODE and phone number to safe time.
● Phone Number ● MAPCODE Especially search by MAPCODE is very convenient.

What is MAPCODE?
MAPCODE is the unqiue number for attractions across Japan. To searching the MAPCODE, please download this app『NaviBridge』.
Searching MAPCODE on your smartphone.
Please download this app on your smartphone to search the MAPCODE. By entering the MAPCODE into the car navigation, you can find your destination. We suggest that you can download the app in advance.
FREE download the APP


NaviBridge User

You can enter the location name, address, or phone number in Navibridge to search the MAPCODE. Then you can use this MAPCODE to enter into your Car Navigation system. You are good to go!

You can also pin a point on the Navibridge map. Then you can get a MAPCODE as well. Really easy to use!
- ※Please note that do not use your phone while driving.
- ※Please do not park your car at private lands and unauthorized sites.
- ※Please follow traffic rules and drive carefully.